2 posts tagged self-awareness

Is Self-Love Scary?

The benefits of Self-Love are touted all over the internet, TV, and everywhere you turn today. Gain self-confidence!Live with joy!Trust your intuition!Attract better relationships! You get the idea... But that level of awesomeness scares the crap out of some people. Especially people who don't particularly like who they are right now. I've had clients tell me they don't believe they can ever achieve Self-Love, and they're honestly not sure they want to try. (***Insert ... Continue Reading


Lately, I've been seeing a common thread at work, with clients, and in my personal life.  I've been trying to get down to the heart of the matter... but my will gets weak, and my thoughts seem to scatter... but I think it's about... forgiveness...   (Thanks, for the earworm, Don Henley - you're right.  It's totally about forgiveness.)  SELF forgiveness.       Most people I know can be great friends.  They easily share love and support with ... Continue Reading